[LT] Nepaisant to, kad Taivano sala apsupta jūros, salos politika, istorija ir religiniai įsitikinimai jau nuo seno vertė žmones atsukti jai nugarą. Du pagrindiniai filmo herojai – jūros tema kuriantis rašytojas Liao Hong-ji ir povandeninės gamtos fotografas Ray Chin – nukelia filmo žiūrovus po vandeniu. Jie ragina iš naujo susipažinti su mus supančiais vandenimis ir permąstyti taivaniečių ir jūros tarpusavio ryšį. N-13
Po peržiūros vyks susitikimas su režisieriumi Huang Chia-chun.
Lapkričio 4 d. 18:30 ,,Skalvijos” kino centre (A. Goštauto g. 2, Vilnius)
[EN] Taiwan is an island country. Although it is surrounded by the sea, its people fear the sea since the politics, the history and the religious beliefs held on this island make people turn their backs to the sea. Oceanic literature author Liao Hung-chi and underwater photographer Ray Chin lead the audience out to the sea and into the water. They prompt us to understand the sea and to think about the possibility that the ocean might become our lives and the future of our country.
There will be a Q&A session with the director Huang Chia-chun afte the screening.