Day Off/ 本日公休. Rež. Fu Tien-Yu.

A-Rui jau keturiasdešimt metų dirba kirpykloje. Nepaisant gyvenimo siunčiamų sunkumų, darbe ji atiduoda visą save. Tačiau A-Rui vaikai nevertina jos darbo. Vieną dieną ji gauna pasiūlymą apkirpti seną klientą, kuris gyvena kažkur toli. Moteris dienai uždaro kirpyklą ir išsiruošia į kelionę atlikti tai, kas kitiems atrodo beprasmiška.
For forty years A-Rui has been running a barbershop, a small place where she has seen happiness and sorrow, ebb and flow. Faced with all the troubles in her life, A-Rui fully commits to her work and defeat is never an option for her, but her children never appreciate it and treat her profession with disdain. One day, A-Rui receives a phone call from the family of an old regular client who moved far away a long time ago. A-Rui decides to hang up the “Day Off” sign and closes her shop for one day. She drives her beat-up old car and embarks on a long journey to do something others think is not worthwhile.