The Good Daughter/ 阿紫. Rež. Yu-ying Wu

Tai sudėtingų Longo, neįgalaus taivaniečio, ir Adžės, jo vietnamietės žmonos, santykių portretas. Jų sąjunga paremta Longo polinkiu paklusti savo valdingai motinai ir Adžės noru padėti savo vargstantiems artimiesiems. Šiame filme vaizduojamas moters bandymas suderinti pareigą savo šeimai Vietname ir savo kaip žmonos bei motinos pareigas Taivane. N-13
A portrait of the complicated relationship between Long, a disabled Taiwanese man, and Azhe, his Vietnamese wife. Their union results from Long’s urge to obey his overbearing mother and Azhe’s self-sacrificing endeavor to help her impoverished family. The Good Daughter offers a gritty look at a woman’s epic struggle to find balance between her family obligation to support her relatives in Vietnam and her duties as a mother and wife to her family in Taiwan. N-13